Shakti - The Eternal Energy
It all started when…I began to seek the energy within
SHAKTI the stage performance-(Florence-Paris-Perth-New York-Edinburgh)
The performance itself revolved around the aspects of the feminine energy. The manifestation of this Sacred Feminine energy in its male and female dimensions, the raucous tempestuousness that characterizes the interaction of these dimensions and the manner that synthesis, impinges on the human soul, is explored through dance, poetry and painting. Morphing constantly from dispersion to dichotomy, this dynamic is personified by a spectrum of personae, weaving its way from the androgynous Ardhanari into the maternal Ganga, the raging and terrifying Kali, and the energy’s transmutation into the enchanting male form, Krishna, and its radiant burst as the compassionate Devi. The dance, the painting and the music, all set within the mind of the artist, is a rigorous search of the imagination, to find meaning and perhaps even to transcend the mundane.