Dancing with Paint - Series
To live in a moment of dance
Dancing with Paint
Sarasa commenting on the process of choreography and the philosophy in the painting and dancing series.
Paris 2002
My first exploration with dance and paint in Paris, 2002 at the Friches theatre Urbain
PARIS & Florence, 2004
Shakti was premiered in Europe as part of a tour by Saraswati Mahavidhyalaya that incorporated dance and painting within a performance context.
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2008
A revision of the original work that included paint and dance, presented by the Temple of Fine Arts International at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Perth, 2008
A revision of the original work that included paint and dance, presented by Saraswati Mahavidhyalaya in Perth.
"Satya Graha"
Live painting on stage accompanying a 100 person opera score by Phillip Glass that was staged as part of the Canning World Arts Exchange in 2014, Perth.
In Performance
A selection of performance shots, photographed by SC Shekar